Listening to classic pirate radio sets upped onto by 14 year olds is one thing, but when it comes down to actual artist albums and mixtapes grime can be pretty dry. Once you've got past the requisite 'back in the day', 'road to music' and 'wifey' songs all your generally left with are a few recycled radio bars spat over lifeless beats culled from the recycle bin of some past it mid table producer. I'm not sure if Tempa T has an album/mixtape but I'd like to think that in the event that he does it wouldn't be like this; he's one of the few guys in 'the scene' that seems capable of recreating the violent energy that makes the live and radio sets so exciting on record, as illustrated on his 'Are you on dis ting' mp3 below.
Check out this youtube rip of his freestyle on the Risky Roadz 2 DVD too, when he says, straightfaced, 'or, I could wait in your bin' around the 48 second mark I'm not sure whether to laugh or be very afraid.
Tempa T - 'On Dis Ting' mp3